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Newsletter back next week

Its been a busy week here at Esgob - as ever - so the newsletter will be back next week....

However....its sports week next week. We have a week full of sports planned for the pupils. Please ensure they are wearing a PE kit every day. Black shorts/ white PE top or Esgob Polo, as we are aware some children only have 1 white top. PE tops do not have to have the Esgob Logo on them. Can we please stick to a white top or a yellow one? Many thanks.

Also, as they will, hopefully, outside a lot can they please have sun cream, a hat and a water bottle every day.

A reminder that, should the weather be good for us, Sports Day will be Tuesday, on the front Yard / Field starting at 1:30PM.

As part of sports week on Thursday Sustrans Cymru are doing scooter workshops with the pupils. If they wish to bring their scooter to school that day please do, please also ensure they have a helmet. Some pupils from other year groups may lend their scooters to ensure everyone gets a turn.