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Cardiff Trip Information

Hello everyone,

Next week, Wednesday 15th to Friday 17th is our Year 4 and 5 trip to Cardiff. The children are all very excited, and we have gone through the itinerary with them all. It is a full, busy and exciting trip and we will always try to keep you updated as much as we can on our socials, but please be patient with the staff as their main priority will be taking care of your children.

Wednesday 15th May, the children should arrive school as normal for 9am. They may bring their bags into the school hall when they arrive. They will also need a packed lunch in a separate bag for this day (please let the school know if you want one provided by us).

Wednesday / Dydd Mercher

  • Travel
  • The Big Pit
  • Arrive Urdd Centre Cardiff
  • Film Night

Thursday / Dydd Iau

  • Cardiff Castle Tour
  • Principality Stadium Tour
  • Senedd Tour
  • 10 Pin Bowling

Friday / Dydd Gwener

  • Leave Urdd Centre
  • Visit St Fagan

We may arrive home slightly later than 3.15pm on Friday. Please check your texts from school for an updated arrival home time on the day.

The children should have received a letter last week detailing what they need to pack. As you can see the activities are not adventurous, however, comfy clothing that they are able to walk in is essential. A thin raincoat, drawstring (or small / light reusable bag for packed lunches) and reusable water bottles are also necessary. Please contact the school office if you have not received this letter.

Please do not pack any sweets or snacks for the children to eat in their rooms when at the Urdd centre, this is for health and safety reasons. Children can bring up to £15 spending money with them (they will be responsible for this money). There may be a small gift shop, or sweet shop for their film night when at Cardiff.

Staff will allocate the rooms for the children. They will not be told before the trip, as this can cause more issues – the staff always ensure that the children are with their friends.

If your child will need any medication over the duration of the trip, please ensure the correct paperwork has been filled out before the trip. The medication needs to be in a clear labelled bag/box. Inhalers will also need to be packed and staff to be made aware of.

If you have any other questions, please contact the school office.

Diolch / Thank you