Newsletter 6th December 2024
Dear Parents and Guardians
Another busy week flies by and apologies if this newsletter is briefer than usual.
This term is always the busiest—especially this time of year! We are busy working hard on our Christmas Service. This long held tradition stretches back throughout the history of the school. We have never had to ask who is coming as it has always been a given that pupils come to the school service. I did notice last year that a number of children just didn’t turn up. This year we have had children say they’re not coming. Now, there maybe reasons of which we are aware—these we know about . There is a lot of work that goes into these services so I am asking you to fill in the form in this newsletter to ascertain who is not coming.
Also, once again, may I remind you that if you wish to discuss anything about the school, whether it with us or between yourselves as parents, you do so with respect and dignity. There have been a few incidents this week I feel could have been handled in a way more in keeping with the friendly nature of our school family.
We enjoyed our Christmas dinner this week and are now planning our big Christmas party! Details to follow. It is likely to be on the last day of term.
Thank you for all your support. Have a great weekend. Mr Redgrave